Saturday 23 August 2014

The Original Dîner en Blanc returns to South Africa in Spring 2014

If you missed it last year, you missed one of the most spectacular Spring evenings Jozi has ever seen. It was creative and cathartic, delicious and decadent, magical and mysterious. It attracted pleasure seekers, fine diners, lovers of life, mavericks, madcaps and merry makers. It was the inaugural Dîner en Blanc event, a wondrous night out under the stars, embellished with gastronomic delights, quirky rituals and joie de vivre. This French phenomenon is returning on Saturday 20th September 2014 and it’s going to be even more remarkable than the first time round ...

Dîner en Blanc is a tradition, built on the untraditional. Launched over 25 years ago in the city of love, this annual occasion now plays out in over 40 countries around the world. It’s a free-spirited affair, built on an ethos that promotes heartfelt connections, new experiences and communal enjoyment. But there are certain practices that define the culture of the event. Most noticeable is that everyone dresses elegantly in white. It’s the ultimate anti-uniform, and opportunity to express your style whilst aligning with your fellow enthusiasts. 

Aiming to create beautiful, memorable disruptions — using elegance and charm to reclaim and reimagine public spaces — Dîner en Blanc guests draw attention to their motives by meeting at satellite spaces around the city, before getting into chartered busses and converging on the main location. Guests are asked to bring their own culinary delights that they are encouraged to enjoy from their most exquisite, arresting table settings, cine china and silverware. It all ends with a celebratory dance to live bands, an event initiated by the lighting of sparklers, signalling to guests that they are now free to circulate, mingle and get their groove on. Most importantly, nobody leaves a trace of this revelry behind…when the party ends, guests pick up everything, and disappear into the night. 

Dîner en Blanc is so exquisite, so alluring, that it’s inevitable it would be copied. Whilst there are many other imitators out there trying to offer the same experience, this is the real deal, the original international event with roots in Paris. The organisers have exclusive permission to bring the brand to South Africa. And the best thing about it is it’s a secret. Yes, the location is only going to be revealed closer to the date. But if you were one of the thousands who last year basked in the glory of the War Museum in Saxonwold, then you’ll know that no matter where it is, it’s where you should be. 

As with anything this spectacular, there are bound to be some questions. And here are the answers: 

  • No guests may attend alone. Tickets have to be purchased for 2 guests and are valued at approximately R350 per guest. 

  • The per-head price includes your entry, transport to and from the secret location, table with cloth, chairs, security, washroom facilities, entertainment, sound and lighting. 

  • For an additional cost available at our E-Store, each table of 2 guests have the option of selecting a picnic menu to purchase with wine, champagne and ice online up to 3 weeks before the event, if they would prefer not to bring their own food and beverages from home. 

  • Dîner en Blanc is quite different from other special events. The seating layout on the public site is very specific and the site chosen is an existing space in the city that is not normally used for a dining event. 

  • In order to participate, guests must be invited by the hosts, existing members or register on the official website’s waiting list and wait to be invited. 

  • Once confirmed, each guest’s participation becomes mandatory, regardless of weather conditions, as the event goes ahead rain or shine. 

  • Participants arrive and depart by chartered bus only. 

  • Guests leave with their belongings, leftovers and litter, no sign of their magical experience remains. 

  • A picnic (if not ordering online) comprising of quality menu items. (There is a contest for the most ‘mouth watering’ menu). 

  • Participants must wear white and be dressed elegantly. (There is a contest for the most elegantly dressed gentleman and lady). 

  • Table setting including cutlery, crockery and glassware, flowers and candles or original elegant decor (There is a contest for the most beautiful table setting). Table settings must also be white only. 

  • Originality is encouraged as long as it is stylish and tasteful. 

Those interested in joining Dîner en Blanc's guests in Johannesburg are encouraged to sign up quickly, as space is limited:

Last year was sold out, good people, so make sure you book early. They’re looking to attract over 3'000 revellers this year…make sure you’re one of them.


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